Christmas has been a federal holiday in America since 1870. For certain people December 25 is a religious holiday because Jesus Christ was born this day 2000 years ago. Though in the early times of Christianity people back then didn't celebrate Christmas because in the Bible there was no mention of Christmas. Along the way at first they had a problem deciding what day Jesus was born on. Then in the third century were they only to decide it was to be December 25. This special day was widely celebrated by the end of the eighth century. For a while in colonial America celebrating Christmas was not allowed. By the 1800s when tree decorating was spread to England it was then brought to America.
What I do
The way I celebrate Christmas is that we invite family over. When we invite family over we have a big dinner. Then we sit in the family room play board games or talking about the trip on Christmas Eve. The next morning we go to our Christmas Tree and open all our gifts in our pajamas. We all have breakfast and continue to play our board games. Then my sister and I give gifts to our neighbors. After our family goes to see if any stores are open and go shopping. Though if it is a white Christmas we do not go shopping my cousins and I have a snowball fight in the front of our house. Or we go sledding by the slope nearby our house.
The Samsung Galaxy Note II is a combination of a tablet and phone. The screen is 5.5 inches. It has 2 GB of RAM. It comes with the stylus and has 128 GB storage. It is the second generation of the Note series. This phone has the choice of multi-tasking so you can be doing two stuff at once at the same time. The Samsung layers extra features for the safety of the phone.
In my opinion I think the Galaxy Note II is exactly like the Samsung Galaxy S III just the Galaxy Note II is bigger and has the use of a stylus. Though I do agree that multi-tasking on this device is quite marvelous. Another thing I would like to add is that the Samsung Galaxy S III is already huge so imagine how big the screen of the Galaxy Note II would be. The picture of the phones are the Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note II. For those who could not imagine the size of the Galaxy Note II, the Galaxy Note II is to the left of the Samsung Galaxy S III.
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Here is a video of the comparison of the Samsung Galaxy Note II and the Samsung Galaxy S III
It has been a while since I done a Samsung device so I am doing the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0. It is a seven inch tablet. You can download over 4,500 apps. It has eight gigabites of memory. When you want to download apps you can go to Google Play and download it. You can access up to fifty gigibites in Dropbox. For the first year, Dropbox will be free. With Dropbox, you can save your choice of content and it will be safe and secure.
You can get a stylus that can be used to swipe or tap on the tablet screen. This stimulates your finger but it comes in the form of a writing utensil. When you don't want to hold the stylus in your hand you can hook it to your pocket because it has a pocket clip. So now you won't have to to worry about the smudges or dirty fingerprints on your tablet. This stylus is called the Galaxy Tab Conductive Stylus.Below is a short video of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0.
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There is going to be a new iMac coming out soon. This is going be out in between November and December. It has a widescreen and a whole new design. It has OS X Mountain Lion one of the most advanced technologies in the world. With iCloud it will work great with the other Apple devices. Everything will be easy to find. It will be as simple as 1,2,3.
than OS X Mountain Lion. So in the comments down below let me know if you like Windows 7 or OS X Mountain Lion. If you want upgrade your Mac to OS X Mountain Lion you can go to the Mac App Store and upgrade it for $19.99. Windows 7 was made by Microsoft. There is Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium, and Windows 7 Ultimate. To the right is a picture of the iMac. It shows that you may do multiple things at once.
This year in Hoboken, New Jersey, like the years before, the Thanksgiving Parade will take place. This parade had first started in 1924. It would take a year for everyone to work together and to put everything into place. This includes giant balloons and floats and organizing marching bands and people from Broadway. They make floats out of styrofoam and use a cutting tool called a hotwire and then they carve the rest by hand. Then the styrofoam is sprayed with hardcoat, which is a flame retardant plastic which makes a strong waterproof case. This is to keep the weather from ruining all the artwork.
The first celebration of Thanksgiving in 1621 lasted three days which was of eating, hunting, and entertainment. The Pilgrims invited some Native Americans to celebrate how the Pilgrims successfully had their first harvest. The Native Americans had killed five deer as a gift to the Pilgrims. In 1979, George Washington was the president to consider Thanksgiving to be a national holiday. This holiday didn't become an annual tradition till the nineteenth century. During the Civil War Abraham Lincoln announced Thanksgiving to be held on the final Thursday of each November.
This iPad has sharp views and makes everything almost lifelike. You can get over 275,000 apps there is no limit. This iPad is great for business and education it can make everything more interesting and professional. It is definitely sharper than the iPad2. It runs on an incredible A6 mobile chip. This iPad has a significant amount of capabilities and yet it can run for ten hours. This magnificent iPad has 3.1 million megapixels.
This is a link to the comparison of all the iPads to find what is right for you:
This iPad can be used for business purposes. There are a bunch of business apps in the app store. Once the iPad is incorporated with your company's present framework you can get connection to contacts via Exchange ActiveSync or IMAP, CardDAV, or CalDAV and email, and calendar.You can make sure all important information is secure with a passcode. There is data protection,device security, platform security, and network security. Here are links to learn more about how to use the iPad for business purposes:
This week the new iPod Nano is the topic of the week, it is the thinnest iPod ever made. With this iPod you can get a great workout or just have the joy to listen to music. This iPod has the capabilities to listen to music and record videos or take pictures. Also people with disabilities have the accessibility to enjoy music and audiobooks and more. On this iPod you can snap pictures in a pinch. Also this has bluetooth technology meaning you can connect it to your car's sound speaker if it is bluetooth enabled. Here at the bottom is a link to the comparison of all the iPods :
The iPod Nano has twice the screen size than the previous model. When you purchase the iPod Nano it comes with the newly designed Ear Pods and lightning charger. This iPod comes in five different colors black, purple, blue, white, green, lime green, and red. If you order a red Apple product it can be a great help. If order a red iPod nano, touch, or iPod shuffle a portion of the purchase will go to the Global Fund to help fight AIDS in Africa.
Down below is a short video of the feature of the iPod Nano
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This week we are going to talk about the iPad Mini. It has an amazing amount of potential. It has all the capabilities of the iPad and even more capabilities and is 53% lighter than the iPad. Unlike the iPad, it has Siri intelligence which makes it extra special. Then when we compare it to the Nexus 7, the Nexus 7 only has eight hour battery life but the iPad Mini has ten hour battery life. The Kindle Fire HD 7 does not have bluetooth like the iPad Mini. The iPad Mini has a camera but the Kindle Fire HD 7 doesn't have a camera
This is a comparison of the iPad Mini, Kindle Fire HD 7, and Nexus 7.
This convincing iPad Mini runs on an A5 chip. On a single charge it can run up to ten hours so , you can write or draw or even play games on the iPad for ten hours. This tablet has two built in cameras one on the front and one on the back.This allows you to do FaceTime and switch the camera around. When you want to record a 720p HD video or take a self-portrait, you can use the front facing camera. This iPad Mini can fit in the palm of your hand so when traveling you can keep it in your hand and take it out when needed. It is incredibly light and is as thin as a pencil.
Down below is a short video about the iPad Mini,
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This week I am talking about the new iPod. Also, for those who did not
notice I just added a poll, everything that is on that poll I will do a
separate blog post for each week and everyone to know what these items are. It has a
dual core A5 chip and has a great new design. There are different colors and
has a breathtaking iSight camera. Also it has the iOS6 features. This iPod touch has Siri intelligence which makes it very special. Down below is a link to get a comparison of the iPods:
The new iPod touch which is the fifth generation compared to the iPod touch fourth generation has exclusive colors than the iPod touch fourth generation which only has black and white colors. Though they do have the same amount of charging time which is about four hours and if you charge to two hours it goes to 80% battery life. When you compare the new iPod nano to the iPod touch fifth generation this iPod touch has much more capabilities than the new iPod nano. Also this iPod touch has much longer battery life than the iPod nano. We can easily tell that the iPod touch fifth generation is the best iPod yet. Down below is a short video on the iPod touch fifth generation: If you liked this blog post leave comments below or follow my blog. ENJOY!!!
The Apple iPhone5 is fantastic, it islighter and thinner. Also it is longer and has a better camera. It was justreleased a couple of weeks ago. I heard that people were waiting in line justto get the iPhone5 some people even pre-ordered it and, waited till 3 in themorning for it to be shipped to their front door so then they can set it up.Many people agreed that it is better than theiPhone4s and iPhone4. Although, some people think that the iPhone4s and iPhone4think it is the same thing once, they get the same download as the iPhone5 on their iPhone4sor 4 to make the software on their iPhone4 or 4s to work like an iPhone5.
When you compare it the iPhone5 with the iPhone4 the iPhone5 has about 3 more hours talk time. It has Siri intelligence unlike the iPhone4. Also this phone is the only iPhone with 4G LITE. In fact this also has a 1/2 better Retina display. Another fact is that it has a much lighter weight compared to the iPhone4 and iPhone4s. I am bringing up this same thing again for a reason. They think that the iPhone4 and iPhone4s is the same thing as the iPhone5 once they download the software. What do you think?
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the comparisons of the Apple iphone5 and iPhone4s and iPhone4:
The Samsung Galaxy S lll is a great phone. This is part of the Samsung galaxy series. It has great features and capabilities.It was launched around June in America and in May in London. This smartphone had a an extreme shortage in countries like America. This phone uses Google's Android mobile operating system. The phone comes with a numerous amount of pre-equipped applications like Google+ , Youtube, and Gmail.
Some people think the Samsung Company is ripping off the Apple Company. Let me show you a time line of 2012 of what happened in between the Apple and Samsung companies. There is a link to where I got the timeline from under the timeline.So the Apple company filed a lawsuit against the Samsung Galaxy S lll. I think many people have agreed with. Since not only the Samsung Galaxy S III did people think that Samsung had copied people had felt that that they had copied the iPad to make their own Samsung Tab Galaxy. ://
Here is a video of the Samsung Galaxy S lll. If you enjoyed this post let me know in the comments below.
Here is a question for you all answer in the comment section below ; Do you like the Samsung Galaxy S lll if you do what do like about this smartphone?
The iPad2 is an amazing tablet. It has mail, Facetime, camera, notes, and more. On mail, you can set up your own account and read your own emails and send emails. Once you went to contacts and added all of them you can use it to send emails, talk o Facetime, and if you have iCloud you can send messages. On your Facetime acount you can have video chats with other people who have Apple products. On your notes you can jot down stuff you need to do like a checklist. Then on the app store you can download a numerous amount of apps and games.
You can do a variety of things with your camera. The camera has 0.7 megapixels on both the inside and outside. With the camera you can use it for Facetime and taking pictures and more. Once you took the pictures you can download an app from the app store called iBooth or you may use Photo Booh that comes with iPad2. Using that, you can edit pictures so you can make it glow or otherwise try the other options. I believe the iPad2 is a great tablet.
Here is video showing the features of the iPad2. If you like this post please let me know in the comments below. ENJOY!!
What is your favorite thing about the iPad2? Let me know in the comments below.
This is a great laptop, you have not ever seen anything like this before. It is very sharp and detailed. It has 7 hour battery charge, advanced speaker design, and much much more. This battery life can stand for a longer period of time.When comparing this with the fifteen inch MacBook Pro this has a much more sharp screen. Also this one screen has five million pixels.So the Macbook Pro isn't as nearly as sharp as this.
You can get it from somewhere as obvious as the Apple Store or search at places on the internet like More Information
This laptop is expected to have intel core i7, an amazing visual and audio. This laptop has reached mostly everyone's expectations. Hopefully if you don't have one, you will be encouraged to own one of these fascinating laptops and if you do have one name one of your favorite things about it in the comments below. If you liked this post here is a video of the Macbook Pro with Retina display.
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