Monday, April 1, 2013

Apple iPad with Retina Display vs. Samsung Galaxy 2 7.0

Apple iPad with Retina Display vs. Samsung Galaxy 2 7.0

  Samsung and Apple against each other again. This time you will have to  decide between Apple iPad with Retina Display and Samsung Galaxy 2 7.0.  After these two short paragraphs about both of these tablets you will decide which one is better suited for you.

iPad with Retina Display
  This iPad has sharp views and makes everything almost lifelike. You can get over 275,000 apps there is no limit. This iPad is great for business and education it can make everything more interesting and professional. Also it has two incredible cameras  which are extremely useful for FaceTime and taking videos and pictures. It is definitely sharper than the iPad2. It runs on an incredible A6 mobile chip. This iPad has a significant amount of capabilities and yet it can run for ten hours. This magnificent iPad has 3.1 million megapixels which is remarkable.

For more information go to: iPad features

Samsung Galaxy 2 7.0

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 is a seven inch tablet on which you can download over 4,500 apps. It has eight GB of memory. When you want to download apps you can go to Google Play and download it. You can access up to fifty GB in Dropbox. For the first year, Dropbox will be free. With Dropbox, you can save your choice of content and it will be safe and secure. As well there is a front and back camera which can be useful for video chatting with downloaded apps such as Skype and Oovoo. Also you use the camera to take pictures and videos.  

For more information go to: Samsung Galaxy 2 7.0 features

At the top is a poll, cast your vote or comment below based on your opinion and all these facts. 

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1 comment:

  1. The first sort of iPad device I remember seeing was on Star Trek the original TV series with captain Kirk, and then subsequently later with newer versions of Star Trek.
    iPad VPN
